The Red Nail cocktail is simply vodka with Campari. People tend to either love or hate Campari, which can probably best be described as a very dark cherry flavor that’s bitter.
It’s bitter the way black coffee is bitter, or arugula is bitter. It’s a delicious sort of bitterness, but it’s not for everyone.
Still, in the case of this cocktail, the Campari is diluted by two things: vodka, which adds no real flavor of its own, and ice, which waters the whole drink down a little.
In fact, you’ll notice the recipe calls for you to let the drink sit for 7 minutes after pouring it. That’s to let the ice melt a little and both chill and dilute the drink.
There’s no mixing with this drink. No shaking. You just pour the ingredients over ice and let them sit for a few minutes before serving.
It’s one of the simplest cocktails you could ever make, but you wouldn’t know that from tasting it. That makes it a great choice for serving to guests at parties.
Red Nail Cocktail Recipe
The Red Nail is a classic drink recipe that's very simple (just two ingredients), but delicious. It's also gorgeous to look at.
- 1 ounce vodka
- 1 ounce Campari
- Put a few ice cubes in a cocktail glass.
- Add vodka and Campari to the glass.
- Ideally, let the drink sit for seven minutes before serving.