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Twenty Thousand Leagues

By MixThatDrink

The Twenty Thousand Leagues is a cocktail for grown-ups, featuring such items as gin, vermouth and Pernod. It’s actually a fun alternative to the gin martini.

Twenty Thousand Leagues drink in cocktail glass

The dominant flavor here is definitely the gin, but the addition of Pernod and orange bitters adds a definite herbal note. This one is nearly clear, but tends to cloud up a little from the Pernod, which gives it some visual appeal, too. This one is great for the end of a long day.


  • 1 1/2 ounces gin
  • 1 ounce dry vermouth
  • 1 teaspoon Pernod
  • 2 dashes of orange bitters

Fill a mixing glass halfway with crushed ice and pour in all ingredients. Stir to chill and strain into a cocktail glass.

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