We’ve got some of the best Southern Comfort drink recipes for you. This whiskey liqueur makes delicious cocktail recipes and mixed drinks.
Southern Comfort is a delicious whiskey liqueur that’s naturally flavored with fruit and spices. It’s delicious on its own, but it’s a favorite ingredient in so many cocktails.
Southern Comfort Drinks
The Alabama Slammer is a classic cocktail recipe featuring Southern Comfort. It's also got amaretto, orange juice and sloe gin, so it's a sweet, fruity drink that's hard not to love.
The Red Death cocktail recipe features Southern Comfort, vodka, sloe gin, flavored brandy and fruit juices. It's a fruity, delicious drink.
Think Southern Comfort is good on its own? You're right. But wait until you try it with a little fresh squeezed lime juice.
The Scarlett O'Hara drink combines Southern Comfort with lime and cranberry juice. It's a refreshingly tart and fruity cocktail recipe that's wonderful for anytime.
As you might guess, the Georgia Pie has a peachy flavor, but that's not all there is to it. You get some hints of tropical notes like coconut and pineapple, too.
The Lunchbox cocktail blends orange juice, beer, Southern Comfort and amaretto. It's sweet and surprisingly tasty.
This is a very fruity little drink - one that merges the tropical flavor of coconut with peach. But hold onto your socks, because this one also packs 2 ounces of black rum.
The Oh My God cocktail is so named because that’s what one might tend to say after tasting it. Pineapple, peach and apple blend together like some delicious fruit salad, but in liquid form and with a kick.
The Honolulu Cooler blends Southern Comfort with a couple of tropical fruit juices. It's got sweetness and sharpness and is perfect for sipping by the pool.
The 57 Chevy cocktail, like the car, is perfect for a nostalgic time with old friends. It’s sweet and highly drinkable, featuring peach and orange liqueurs, pineapple juice and non-threatening vodka. If you want to fantasize about life being less complicated, this is a great drink to accompany your daydreaming.
Truly a drink for our times, the Stock Market Crash combines the over-hyped and ever profitable Coca Cola with three whiskeys, a liqueur and some black rum. It’s a strong drink – nearly a double – and the cola doesn’t disguise this.
The Brain Teaser cocktail is a sweet little shot featuring almond and peach liqueurs with cream to round it all out.
The Lawnmower is one of those unique drinks that may need a minute to grow on you. The main flavors are melon, peach and lemon-lime, and the marrying ingredient is dry vermouth.
Halley’s Comfort is peach schnapps and peach liqueur combined with ice and club soda. Guess what it tastes like? Yep – peaches!
The Comfortable Sour turns Southern Comfort peach liqueur into a sour by adding lemon juice, orange juice and a touch of gomme syrup to keep the tartness just right.
The Purple Helmeted Warrior cocktail features the flavors of orange, peach, lime, lemon and berry. It’s purple and bubbly, hence the name, but probably should not be worn as a helmet.
The Absolute HB blends two white liquors with dry vermouth, a touch of Southern Comfort and a little bit of 7-up. The flavor is a full round citrus with some herbal notes and the peach finish.