
MixThatDrink makes money in two ways: with display ads and affiliate links. Here’s how they work.

Display Ads

Display ads are the ads you see scattered around a website. They are supplied by third party networks, and clicking them will take you to another website where you can learn more about the advertised product or service. Websites receive payment for displaying these ads. 

Affiliate Links

Some of MixThatDrink’s pages contain links to relevant products or services. Some of these links are “affiliate links”, which means that if you click those links and end up purchasing anything, MixThatDrink gets paid a small commission. 

What about free products?

MixThatDrink occasionally receives a product sample to review, such as a liquor or a bartender tool. These posts clearly state exactly what was received for free and that no actual money changed hands. Our reviews are completely honest, because your trust is worth more than any sample product.

What about paid reviews/sponsored content?

MixThatDrink does not write paid reviews or sponsored content, simply because we’ve never had an offer we felt would be of value to readers (our primary concern, always). 

This page will be updated if when anything changes. Thanks for reading, and for being a loyal visitor to MixThatDrink!