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By MixThatDrink

The Checkerboard cocktail is another variation on that noble tradition: cocktails that taste like chocolate milkshakes. This one uses amaretto for a distinctive touch. All milkshakes should be so blessed.

Checkerboard cocktail with chocolate sprinkles on top

Enjoy a Checkerboard whenever you want a chocolate milkshake with a kick. This drink is also great for mixing and serving in bulk when you’ve got guests. Or just make a pitcher for yourself – each serving is two ounces of alcohol, so not much stronger than a standard drink.

Full-length view of Checkerboard cocktail with chocolate sprinkles on top
Overhead view of Checkerboard cocktail with chocolate sprinkles on top


  • 1/2 ounce vodka
  • 1 ounce amaretto
  • 1/2 ounce brown creme de cacao
  • 1/4 ounce chocolate syrup
  • 1 scoop vanilla ice cream
  • chocolate shavings

Blend everything together in a blender on low speed. Pour it into a glass and sprinkle chocolate shavings on top.