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By MixThatDrink

People born under the astrology sign Aquarius are supposedly charmingly eccentric and able to get along with all sorts of folks. A cocktail named after them should reflect those qualities, as indeed the Aquarius does.

Aquarius drink in rocks glass on table

The delicious, distinctive flavor of cranberry meets the equally scotch whiskey. The first is so sharp, the second so mellow – you wouldn’t think it could last. But they fall in love, and then they get cherry brandy to marry them. Turns out it’s a match made in heaven.

Angled view of Aquarius drink in rocks glass on table
Aquarius drink in rocks glass on table

Aquarius Cocktail

Yield: 1 drink

The delicious, distinctive flavor of cranberry meets the equally scotch whiskey. The first is so sharp, the second so mellow - you wouldn't think it could last. But they fall in love, and then they get cherry brandy to marry them. Turns out it's a match made in heaven.


  • 1 1/2 ounce scotch
  • 1/2 ounce cherry brandy
  • 1 ounce cranberry juice


  1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice cubes.
  2. Pour in all the ingredients.
  3. Shake well.
  4. Strain the mixture into an old-fashioned glass.

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